Welcome to a restaurant where almost everything is from the corner around, a local farm, the lake or the forest
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
Mat & vinafton i studion 31 januari
Välkommen till en smakfull mat- och vinupplevelse i vår fina Studio!
Vi bjuder in till en unik kväll där mat, vin och hantverkt står i centrum. Kvällen inleds med ett glas i handen och trevligt mingel, innan vi sätter oss till bords för att avnjuta en elegant 4-rätters middag där varje rätt ackompanjeras av två olika noggrant utvalda viner som lyfter smakerna till nya höjder.
Kvällen blir extra speciell då ni ser våra skickliga kockar skapar mästerverk direkt i Studion medans ni sitter till bords. Dessutom guidar vår kunniga sommelier er igenom kvällens vinresa.
31 januari 2025
Kl: 18.00
Pris: 1295 kr per person
Inkluderat är mat och vin till rätterna.
Boka här direkt!
10 års jubileum -middag & konsert med Smoke Ring Sisters
Varmt välkomna till en kväll fylld med god mat, energi och glädje! Vi firar 10-års jubileum med en utsökt 3-rätters middag i herrgårdens anrika miljö. Kvällen bjuder inte bara på en kulinarisk resa utan även på en magisk konsert med The Smoke Ring Sisters!
"Smoke Rings Sisters kallas för publikfavoriter på många av landets scener och med sin trestämmiga skönsång trollbinder de publiken med musik från svunna tider.
Publiken ombedes spänna fast säkerhetsbältena i denna tidsmaskin och dras i en virvlande fart med genom 1920-talets dekadenta charleston-era, vidare till svenska pärlor med våra mest älskade svenska artister och kompositörer för att i sista akten åka rakt in i glamorösa Las Vegas och USA. Kort sagt, en musikalisk tidsresa där melodierna, historierna, den musikaliska lekfullheten och svänget står i centrum."
15 mars 2025
Kl: 18.00
Pris: 1395 kr per person
Boka här direkt!
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
Welcome to a restaurant where almost everything is from the corner around, a local farm, the lake or the forest
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request
Welcome to a restaurant where almost everything is from the corner around, a local farm, the lake or the forest
We are passionate about nature, local producers and giving our guests a taste experience.
To the extent possible, we cook food on raw materials that come from farms around the manor, the lakes in Småland or the forest that frames the manor. The wild meat we serve comes from our own forest and we buy in addition to local meat from farms around the manor.
We are proud to be a requirement labeled restaurant that is constantly working to
highlight the importance of local raw materials.
The restaurant is open during specific times and on request